The Vocabuwheel of Beer Tasting
Allow me to apologize before we begin: as much as I like a properly aged beer, I myself am not particularly mature.That said, beer brewing is an activity rife with words and phrases easily manipulated into dirty puns. That then, is why when brewing, I am subject to fits of snorts and snickers that make even my husband roll his eyes. Below is a list of beer vocab words that make me titter (ha, ha!). See if you can correctly match them to their decidedly pedestrian definitions.
- Balling Degrees
- Bung hole
- Endosperm
- Head Retention
- Mouthfeel
- Sparge
- Turbidity
- Wet Hopping
- Wort
a) The addition of the freshly harvested cones that have not yet been dried to different stages of the brewing process.
b) The scale indicating density of sugars in wort.
c) The starch-containing sac of the barley grain.
d) Having sediment in the suspension; hazy, murky.
e) The opening in the side of a cask or older-style keg through which the vessel is filled with beer and then sealed.
f) The sensation derived from the consistency or viscosity of a beer.
g) To spray ground grains with hot water in order to remove soluble sugars.
h) The bittersweet sugar solution obtained by mashing the malt and boiling in the hops, which becomes beer through fermentation.
i) The foam stability of a beer as measured, in seconds, by time required for a one-inch foam collar to collapse.
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