Garden of Victories

melon seedling

Sure, you’ve heard of a victory garden, but what about garden victories? We at the blog feel like our gardening readers have gotten short shrift over the long winter months, but don’t worry; spring is officially in the air, and we want to give you a chance to brag about your mad plant skills.

So send us your best gardening victory stories. These can be brief–a couple sentences or a photo or two. For example, check out this scrappy little melon plant that sprouted on our windowsill this week. I think it’s cool that you can still see the watermelon seed whence it sprang. It’s like the chick who is still mostly inside his egg on Garfield and Friends.

Anyway, whether you’re looking for a forum in which to brag about your prize veggies (I’m looking at you, Farmer Dwight) or just particularly good at capturing the wonders of the garden in word or image (I’m looking at you, Keiko), send us your beauties, and we’ll gather and post them throughout the gardening season. And you know what they say: where there are victories, there are usually fabulous prizes. Hit us up at